
Remember to smell the flowers - a set of ATCs

Moikka moi! This is the last August post in my blog as the Friday post is already first September one! I might say it each month but the time really does fly. Today I'm sharing a little set of ATCs with some mixed media touches, stickers and dried flowers.

I got these label stickers from Mimmilä shop some time ago. I really liked the combo of the energetic yellow and the inky blue and wanted to duplicate that (at least partly) in my cards. So I first added a splash of yellow acrylic paint and some white gesso to a background and then stamped on top using blue ink. When I added a spray of water, though, it didn't quite turn out as I was seeing in my minds eye. I guess I used too much water so it pooled where the acrylic had blocked the paper from absorbing... Oh well.

As the focal point, together with the stickers, I used some dried flowers. I made stickers out of them using clear packaging tape and a non-stick surface. I first placed a strip of tape on top of baking paper. Then put the flowers on top of the tape and added another layer or tape on top. This way the delicate, brittle flowers are sandwiched between two layers and secured. I then cut the flower stickers loose and when I was ready to add them to the cards, removed the baking paper backing just by peeling it off. Easy! 

Thank you for stopping by today! Have a great Wednesday! 

Materials: Mimmilä, Tim Holtz Idea-ology, Ranger, PaperArtsy, Posca, Sinelli

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