
Tempus Fugit - a mixed media canvas

Moikka and happy new week! Does this canvas look familiar? It might as I blogged the workshop sample some months ago and this one is one I made during the workshop in Nannan Paperi ja Helmi. I'm keeping this workshop also this coming Saturday, this time in Klemmarikellari. 

I call the canvas, as well as the workshop, Tempus Fugit - time flees. Part of the idea behind the piece is also the "memento mori" idea but more in a seize the day type of take rather than just declaring the inevitable death. Make the most of the time now, within reason, as you never know what tomorrow brings. 

In this particular piece, however, I decided to break the clock face apart. There's two reasons - first the shape of the clock was like a warped potato chip as it didn't hold flat while drying. The other reason was more a symbolic one, breaking the time. Although we all know that just by breaking a clock you don't break time itself, but more of a symbolic gesture. A protest against the flow. 

Thank you for stopping by today! Wishing you a meaningful week! 

1 comment:

enkulin käsityöt said...

Kaunis ja upoeasti olet laittanut ajan patinaa tähän työhön.

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