As the new fabulous issue of Paperilla is here, I'd like to share with you a project I did for the previous issue. That issue had a theme about recycling.
In my project I used the little washing instruction tags found in garments to make the background and then embellished it with a few sewing inspired things. Those roses are made with strips of cotton fabric and the leaves are made of zippers.
The magazine is in Finnish, but if you want to take a look and learn the language, you can buy your online copy here. There's a lot of pretty things inside!
Koska Paperilla-lehden hieno uusi numero on julkaistu, lienee aika blogata edelliseen numeroon tekemäni projekti. Edellisen lehden teemana oli kierrätys.
Käytin kortissani vaatteiden pesuohjelappuja taustan tekoon ja koristin kortin sitten ompeluhenkisillä jutuilla. Ruusut on tehty puuvillakangassuikaleista ja lehtinä on vetoketjulenkit.
Lehti on saatavilla lehtipisteistä kautta maan ja sen voi tilata kotiin täältä (linkki). Paperilla on saatavissa myös nettiversiona, jonka voi hommata täältä (linkki). Lehdestä löytyy kivoja ideoita ja paljon kaunista katseltavaa!
You´re work is so amazing, Riikka! ^_^ I would like to doing things like this - like you ;) It must be very heartwarming, when you give this like a gift for someone :3 You and your work are my inspiration ^_^
Ihana kortti, raikas!
Thank you so much for your sweet words Kirma! :") <3
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