
Creating Keepsakes Mixed Media Blog Hop

Tämän päivän postaus vain englanniksi, huomenna jälleen kahdella kielellä. Osallistu silti toki lehden arvontaan kommentoimalla! 

Hello and welcome to my blog! If you arrived from Mou Saha you're on the right track, because it's Creating Keepsakes Mixed Media blog hop! You next stop is Cindy Tobey. If you get lost, you can find the launch post here at Creating Keepsakes blog.

Let me introduce myself - I'm Riikka Kovasin, a Finnish mixed media style scrapbooker with passion to get my hands inked and misted every day. I live in Helsinki, capital of Finland, with my encouraging husband and our two darling girls. I currently design for two magazines and a scrapbooking challenge. You can find more about my assignments here, in my resume.

For some time ago I got a happy mail from Creating Keepsakes asking if I would like to do something for a Mixed Media issue. Of course I was immediately in! My subject for the issue was colors or colorants. I'm a mist lover so I chose to show a fun technique using mists and alcohol inks. There's a tutorial on that marble style background in the magazine.

Guess what? I have one copy of the magazine to give away! Leave me a comment here by September 27th 1 pm GMT and you could be randomly chosen to win a copy of Mixed Media, vol. 2! International winners, you’ll be given a download for a PDF version of the magazine. 

My double page is about my husband. I took the photos while he was hanging the decorations for our girl's birthday party. I love to use mixed media in my layouts and usually go for the background. For this spread I created the other one with a misted background and the other page only has stamping and doodling behind the paper layers. The created marble looking paper is used in those layers behind the photo and small triangles.

If you wish to see more of my work, I'd be delighted if you joined in as a reader. You can copy the rss feed link from the sidebar or just copy+paste the blog address to your reader. You can also follow me via Facebook or Twitter. Or if you are intrigued by color, maybe you could find inspiration from my Pinterest boards?

Thank you for stopping by! Wishing you a lovely day and good luck with the raffle! Hop on to Cindy Tobey!

Materials: Scrapperin, Tattered Angels, Talens, Ranger, Wycinanka, Lily Bee, American Crafts, Stash Panache, Color Conspiracy, 7 Dots Studio, MT Masking Tape, Prima Markering, Emmo, Sakura


PiHi said...

Hienot värit tässä sivussa! Ylemmän sivun vihreä taustahässäkkä on tosi kaunis.

Kim Watson said...

Your colors ROCK Rikka & your page is awesome & so creative!

Mou Saha said...

Beautiful Riikka!

{VICKI} said...

Lovely colors

Miriam Prantner said...

Beautiful layout! What a gorgeous technique/effect!

lehtipollo said...

Ihanat alkoholimusteet!

Jessica said...

Pink & green look rocks!

Shari Czerwinski said...

Beautiful colors. I love the layout. Thanks for the inspiration and chance to win.

CraftyViolet said...

Excellent layout. Love the colours.

bebory said...

Thanks for the chance to win!

Karen L said...

Thanks for the opportunity to win. k_lingel@hotmail.com

juliejulie said...

i just bought mists love the use of them on your page. thank you for the chance to win...

Alexia Misso said...

cool layout, love the color!!

ellie248 said...

Beautiful layout. Love the chance to win.

Unknown said...

Lovely Work!! xo

JPScraps said...

The pages are amazing!

Lisa's Creative Niche said...

Wow love these blues and greens! Beautiful work!

Unknown said...

I have wanted to try misting for awhile. Love your color variations on your layout! zekymmer@gmail.com

Kotolifestyle said...

Hengästyttävän kaunista, mitkä värit.

Ella Swan said...

Huge Congrats Riikka! What a wonderful page and I am SO happy to see CK come out with a mixed media special issue - that will be a winner for sure and I must hunt online to snag myself one!

VERO The Sahm said...

I really love your double layouts and how you used stamps and misting !!
I would love to get this special issue ! wowww !

cghundley said...

Such lovely colors
used on your layout.
Very pretty.
Carla from Utah

Stacy Cohen said...

Absolutely gorgeous!! I love the colors.

Anonymous said...

I don't do any mixed media projects because I really need to learn some of the techniques. I am sure this issue will help!

Paula said...

Kauniita sivuja!

MJ's Kraze said...

Great page. I love my mists too.

Jean said...

Such fun! Love all the details!

Janis said...

I love color and am fascinated by your amazing techniques!!

How lovely of you to offer us a chance at a copy of this magazine. I would love to be inspired by it!!
<3 J

jwoolbright at gmail dot com

Terri H. said...

Love your layout and use of mists. I am truly enjoying this blog hop. Thanks for sharing.

Wendy said...

Your layouts are amazing!

Johanna said...

Mahtavat värit tässä leiskassa! Ja muutenkin hieno :o)

Anonymous said...

I've been collecting the items I need to try mixed media but haven't put them to use yet.
This magazine might give me the boost I need. Love the colors on your layout. Very pretty.

Unknown said...

very cute layout - love the color

Unknown said...

I love the colors you chose. Beautiful!

Maakari said...

Hieno värimaailma! Taustat on huikeita :)

minna said...

On hienoja!

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