
Harvest findings - Finnabair Brand Ambassador

Hi there! Today I have a fun announcement for you! I'm keeping another Facebook live on Saturday evening local time. That's August 14th 8 pm CET or 2 pm EST or 11 am PST. The topic this time is "Harvest Findings", inspired by nearing autumn and harvest time.

I'm working with black gesso, waxes, rust effect paste and Art Stones, to name a few and going for an earthy, rusty piece. I'm including again some moulded embellishments to the piece but also adding some Mechanicals and cut out fruit from an older Prima Marketing collection.

I hope you can join me on Saturday! If you have any questions concerning mixed media or the Finnabair mediums, please come and say hi and ask away! If you want to craft alongside me, underneath the next photo is the list of materials I'm using in this piece.

Thank you for stopping by today! Have a pleasant day!

Materials from Finnabair line:

Art Alchemy Liquid acrylic Ochre
Mechanicals packaging

"Fruit Paradise" A4 paper pad
Botanist Floral mould
old lace
a piece of burlap

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