
Seasonal collaboration

Moikka moi! Special posts continue as I have a collaboration piece to share today. Let me fill you in.

Back in the spring Julia Esch (link) contacted me. We've been following each other on Instagram for a while now and she suggested a collaboration. We decided that I would make a paper collage, a master board of sorts and she could then cut it into pieces and incorporate to her art. I made some more focal inclusions as well and send those off with a selection on vintage papers and ephemera. To get a common theme for this piece, reaching over two countries and two different art styles, we talked about how spring makes us feel, what colors we combine to it. 

I have to admit, I was a bit lost at first as I've never done a piece like this. What helped my anxiety was the fact that Julia could do what ever she liked with the papers I sent her. That took the pressure off and I created the collage piece shown above. There's some musical notes and book pages collaged but also mark making various ways. I tried to capture the tender greens of spring juxtaposed against the remains of snow drifts and also the earthy colors of the bare ground being revealed. I kind of mixture of something old and something new.

Underneath is a picture, by courtesy of Julia, of the finished piece. Instead of a spring piece it ended up spreading across three seasons. I just love how Julia has incorporated the collage in it, but even more I'm in awe about the atmosphere the piece has. In my opinion, it encompasses the passage of time, the changing seasons. You can read more about this process from Julia's point of view here (link) in her Instagram post

I'm so happy that Julia offered this opportunity to me and that I was brave enough to take it! The end result is just captivating and so inspiring! 

Thank you for stopping by today! Wishing you a lovely Wednesday!

Photo by Julia Esch

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