Today I want to share with you my first project for Zeus and Zoe this month. This one is done for the monthly challenge. The topic is "favourite things" and I wanted to scrapbook a tradition, which is really meaningful to me. One of my favourite things.
Every year on May 1st we visit the local zoo. The tradition started way back, when my husband and I were dating and we didn't realise it even at first. It was only I was going through some photo albums at my computer when I realised we had been to the zoo three years a row on the May 1st. After that we have celebrated the May day with a visit to the zoo.
The album documents the trip of this year. I took a lot of photos, like usual, and then edited just a few of them for this album. To keep the album clean and unified, I used black and white photos. I tried to document the day as well as some of my favourite things at the zoo. For example I love how our daughters always pet the wooden animals on the way to the main gate and I adore the tropical houses that have some beautiful plants, little monkeys and cute frogs. It was also charming that the best show on the zoo was put on a lady cleaning one of the cages. Our girls were mesmerised by her and stood in front of that window longer than any other!
The papers are from this month's sponsor, Donna Salazar. To have my own touch to them, I added some gesso, mists, doodling and stamping here and there. I bound the book using washi tape, taping two papers together and then created the spine using a piece of paper. The embellishments are partly from my Zeus and Zoe kit and partly from my own stash.
I hope you'll join in to the challenge this month! It would be wonderful to discover some of your favourite things! Please scroll down to see the album spread by spread and the detail shots!
Every year on May 1st we visit the local zoo. The tradition started way back, when my husband and I were dating and we didn't realise it even at first. It was only I was going through some photo albums at my computer when I realised we had been to the zoo three years a row on the May 1st. After that we have celebrated the May day with a visit to the zoo.
The album documents the trip of this year. I took a lot of photos, like usual, and then edited just a few of them for this album. To keep the album clean and unified, I used black and white photos. I tried to document the day as well as some of my favourite things at the zoo. For example I love how our daughters always pet the wooden animals on the way to the main gate and I adore the tropical houses that have some beautiful plants, little monkeys and cute frogs. It was also charming that the best show on the zoo was put on a lady cleaning one of the cages. Our girls were mesmerised by her and stood in front of that window longer than any other!
The papers are from this month's sponsor, Donna Salazar. To have my own touch to them, I added some gesso, mists, doodling and stamping here and there. I bound the book using washi tape, taping two papers together and then created the spine using a piece of paper. The embellishments are partly from my Zeus and Zoe kit and partly from my own stash.
I hope you'll join in to the challenge this month! It would be wonderful to discover some of your favourite things! Please scroll down to see the album spread by spread and the detail shots!
Tänään haluan esitellä tämän kuun ensimmäisen projektini Zeus and Zoelle. Tämän olen tehnyt kuukauden haasteeseen, jonka aiheena on lempiasiat. Halusin dokumentoida yhden perinteen, yhden lempiasiani.
Joka vuosi vapunpäivänä menemme Korkeasaareen. Perinne juontaa juurensa ajalle, jolloin vielä seurustelimme mieheni kanssa. Emme edes heti huomanneet sen syntyä, vaan vasta kun olimme jo kolmesti käyneet samana päivänä eläintarhassa. Järjestelin nimittäin valokuvia tietokoneellani ja huomasin, että Korkeasaari-albumit olivat samalta päivämäärältä kolmen vuoden ajan. Siitä lähtien vapunpäivänä olemme pakanneet eväät autoon ja lähteneet Korkeasaareen.
Minialbumiin on tallennettu tämän vuoden reissu. Otin saaressa paljon kuvia, kuten yleensäkin ja valitsin tähän vain osan. Muokkasin kuvat mustavalkoisiksi, jotta kokonaisuus pysyy yhtenäisenä. Yritin tallentaa koko päivän sekä samalla lempiyksityiskohtani - esimerkiksi se, miten tirpat aina paijaavat eläinpatsaita matkalla pääportille tai miten talot pitävät sisällään kaikkia söpöyksiä. Oli myös mainiota, että mielenkiintoisin häkki oli lasten mielestä se, jossa yksi työntekijä siivosi.
Minin paperit ovat tämän kuun sponsorin, Donna Salazarin. Saadakseni niihin oman kädenjälkeni, lisäsin niihin gessoa, mistejä, riipustelua ja leimailua. Kokosin albumin washiteipillä, teipaten kaksi sivua yhteen aukeamaksi ja sitten tein selkämyksen palasta paperia. Koristeet ovat osittain Zeus and Zoe -kitistäni ja osittain omista varastoistani.
Toivottavasti osallistutte tämän kuun haasteeseen! Olisi hienoa löytää teidän lempiasioitanne! Alla löytyy minialbumin aukeamat ja muutama yksityiskohtakuva.
Materials: Donna Salazar, Zeus and Zoe, Tales, Tattered Angels, MT Masking Tape, American Crafts, Basic Grey, Prima Marketing, Sodalicious, Ranger
Fabulous!!!!!!!!!!! Love the backgrounds on the pages...they complement the pics so well!
Hei :) Musta ois kiva tietää miten sä oot minialbumin täyttänyt ja koonnut? :)
Huoh miten upeita. Mukavaa päivää Sinulle
Thank you sandi! :)
Kiitokset, samoin sinulle! :)
Minialbumi on koottu washiteipillä 6x6" skräppipapereista. Täytteenä on valokuvia tuolta eläintarhareissulta sekä erilaisia koristeita, maaleja ja jopa kuitteja :)
hieno minialbumni ja kiva perinne teillä!
Kiitos Suvi :)
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