Hello hello! Here's my third and last work for 7 Dots Studio this month. I actually started this layout at Salo in a workshop I was keeping but liked the start so much that I ended up doing it for the 7 Dots Studio.
The layout is about my happy place, my craft table which is also known as our living room bureau. Or actually was known as our living room bureau as we have done a little swap since then. The bureau is now at my husband's work space (also known as our bedroom) and the shelf there moved to livingroom.
I combined the peaceful, neutral paper from Illumination to colorfulness of the Hopefully papers. The new collections really give a lot of choices when it comes to adding color!The embellishments are mainly from Illumination collection, but I also added a few diecuts from Nature Walk and even a lady sticker from Cold Country. She had such a nice, a bit mysterious smile so I thought it would make a great addition to the layout.
Thank you for taking a look!
Ps. My blog's Facebook page reached astonishing 600 likes the other day. That makes me really humble! Thank you all for all your support! I think I feel a little appreciation blog candy coming...
Heippa! Tässä on kolmas ja viimeinen tämän kuun työ 7 Dots Studiolle. Aloitin sivun itseasiassa Salon kurssilla, mutta pidin siitä niin paljon, että viimeistelin sivun kotona 7 Dots Studiolle.
Sivu kertoo askartelutilastani, työpöydästäni joka tunnetaan myös nimellä olohuoneen senkki. Tai tunnettiin - sittemmin järjestys on hieman muuttunut ja senkki muuttanut mieheni työhuoneeseen (tunnetaan myös makuuhuoneenamme) ja siellä ollut hylly olohuoneeseen.
Yhdistin sivussa "Illumination"-kokoelman rauhallisen paperin "Hopefully"-kokoelman värikkäisiin kuvioihin. Uudet kokoelmat antavatkin loistavan taustan erilaisten värien lisäämiselle! Sivun koristeet ovat pääasiassa Illuminationista, mutta lisäsin joukkoon myös muutamia leikekuvia "Nature Walk" -kokoelmasta ja jopa naistarran Cold Countrystä. Tarran naisella oli niin mainio, hieman mystinen hymy, jonka ajattelin sopivan mainiosti sivuun ja aiheeseen.
Kiitokset käynnistä!
Ps. Blogini Facebook-sivu saavutti huikeat 600 tykkääjää tällä viikolla. Määrä tekee minut erittäin nöyräksi! Kiitos kaikille tuestanne! Taidan nähdä pienen blogiarvonnan tulevan...
Supplies from 7 Dots Studio:
Illumination – AcceptanceIllumination – Die Cut Elements 6×12
Illumination – Clear Stamps 1
Nature Walk – Die Cut Elements 6×12
Cold Country – Element Stickers 6×12
Cold Country – Clear Stamps
Domestic Goddess – Salt and Pepper Alpha Stickers
Hopefully – Calm Me Down
Hopefully – Love Me
Materials: 7 Dots Studio, Tattered Angels, Wow! Embossing, 3rd Eye, Epiphany Crafts, Sakura, Ranger, Lawn Fawn
Beautiful layout! I love your projects - they always are with this "something", what can be felt as something very personal and uplifting :) I always love to watch all of them :) <3
Tosi hyvä tuo harmaan taustan ja värikkäiden papereiden yhdistelmä! Ihana sivu <3
Love the background work and the pop of color against the gray background. I understand not having your own craft space. Right now I split my time between my desk (in our bedroom) and hubby's desk (in little guy's bedroom).
Thank you sweet Tusia <3 <3
Thank you <3
I think I even couldn't work on a actually craft space... I've so used to this arrangement :D
You are lucky that you can work there. I have to have my own space. I think my mess would freak my hubby out... :D I am so grateful that i don't have to share space with anyone. Love the grey background and the yellow and orange is like a pop of sunshine.
Thanks Val! I actually happy to be crafting "in the open" - that way I can steal a moment every now and then when I'm not needed urgently else where :D
What a striking page!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE this to bits!
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