
Summer Fairies

Finally I finished this layout I started in a workshop by the sweet Birgit Koopsen this spring! The workshop was about mixed media and the technics were familiar to me before, but I absolutely loved how we created our own patterned papers! I tend to use mixed media for my backgrounds so it was a sort of eye opener to make the papers instead of the 12x12" background!

I made the page about two summer fairies. The journaling is about how they invented fairy names for themselves while playong and the photo is taken on a beach. On top of the things in the class kit I used a few buttons, different set of alphas and a piece of twine.

I'm trying to get the new posting schedule running, so next post will be this Saturday, the 10th. And you know what that means? It's the Inspired by challenge! But I might post something else in the meanwhile, too. As I shared in my Facebook page, I have about 50 posts in my drafts!

Vihdoin sain valmiiksi tämän sivun, jonka aloitin ihanan Birgit Koopsenin kurssilla keväällä! Kurssin aiheena oli sekatekniikka ja käytetyt tuotteet ja tekniikat olivat minulle jo entuudestaan tuttuja, mutta oli aivan ihanaa työstää mixed mediaa eri tavalla kuin yleensä! Yleensä näet teen sivun taustan sekatekniikalla, mutta kurssilla loimmekin sen avulla sivuun kuviopaperit. Erittäin inspiroivaa ja silmiä avaavaa! 

Tein sivun kahdesta kesäkeijusta. Tarinoinnissa on pieni pätkä tyttöjen keskustelusta, kuinka he keksivät keijunimet itselleen. Kuva puolestaan on tältä kesältä, otettu rannalta. Kitin materiaalien lisäksi käytin muutamia nappeja, tarrakirjaimet ja pätkän leipurin nyöriä. 

Yritän saada uuden postausaikatauluni pyörimään, joten seuraavan kerran blogini päivittyy vasta lauantaina, 10. päivä. Ja sehän tarkoittaa "Inspired by" -haastetta! Mutta saatan tosin jotain kyllä postata välissäkin. Kuten blogini Facebook-sivulla mainitsin, on tuolla luonnoksissa noin 50 postausta odottelemassa!


Ella Swan said...

Beautiful work Riika! Love everything that you create. Hope it's not too rude of me to request a translate gadget as I can't read any of your posts otherwise & would also love a "subscribe by email"option (one of the standard Blogger gadgets) as I love this way of subscribing to the blogs I follow. I also use Blog Loving but when I click on your RSS feed symbol a whole lot of HTML comes up so I can't sign up!

enkulin käsityöt said...


Riikka Kovasin said...

Thank you Helen!

Of course it's not rude to wish for things! I love and appreciate you bringing the thing up! I think subscribing via email is the current way to read the blogs so it's only good that you pointed that out :)

My hubby tells me that the RSS thingy is working the way it should - I actually didn't know how it should work as I subscribe new blogs by copying the url to the reader XD But the address should just be copied to a reader, he tells me.

The blogger translate-gadged wasn't looking nice so I didn't add that. I need to check if there's a "prettier" way to get it. But in mean time I write 99% of my posts in two languages, English and Finnish and the text in both languages is the same. If the post is only in Finnish then it's something that I think only consideres Finns - like a post announcing a workshop in Finnish. My English is far from being perfect, but I guess you'll get the idea of things with it :)

Riikka Kovasin said...

Kiitokset <3

Eila Sandberg said...

50 draft posts!! you are a crazy scrapper Riikka! love how you've combined that older Prima paper with these amazing glorious colours! xoxox

Riikka Kovasin said...

Yeah, I guess I'm a bit crazy XD

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