
Hot glue wands

Heippa hei! Something completely different today - some magic wands. The title tells the main material in these, but if you didn't read it, I bet that wouldn't be the first thing you guessed! These wands are made using hot glue on top of a chopstick. No clay, no pastes, just hot glue. 

When I had the shapes done, they were looking really weird, but luckily I have been working with hot glue embellishments before so I trusted the process. They became much easier to look at and see as a wooden wand after the first layers on paint! I first added a layer of black and dark brown to each one and then started using dry brushing to heighten the textured surface. 

These were so fun to make! I made these actual for a window display at work, but liked them so much that I wanted to share them with you, too. They also gave me an idea how to add an element to an art doll I'm currently brewing in my head! 

Thank you for stopping by today! Wishing you a pleasant Tuesday!

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