
Girl with a red fan - an art journal spread

Hello there and sunny new week to you all! Today I'm sharing an art journal spread I did with two inspirations. One was to use my stash and items on the table and the second a little tag my daughter threw away from a present she got. 

I don't know about you, but I have a huge pile of papers in my stash. While some of them are uncut 12x12 sheets and occupy a designated shelfing, some are just bits and pieces and those I throw in a box. What happens, though, is that I throw my stuff in than take out so the box is usually overflowing. When starting this project, I decided to use at least some of the papers from that box to ease the situation a little bit. You might even recognize some of the pieces - like the green an pink strip from this (link) previous art journaling spread or the two circles from these cards (link)

I've said before that I seldom use contrasting color schemes, but in this case I wanted a really stark contrast and added some red details to the otherwise quite green project. The inspiration for that came from the red sticker in the rescued tag behind the lady. I added a red dot to the left side and folded a fan to the right side. I used a rosette die to make the fan - instead of a circle  I made a semi-circle instead.

Thank you for stopping by today! Wishing you a splendid Tuesday!

Materials: PaperArtsy, Ranger, Posca, Tim Holtz Idea-ology, Fabrika Decoru

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