


Yes, you are in Riikka's blog and not Terhi's! Surprised? As the topic of the page is my sweet friend Terhi I wanted to incorporate her in the page also by trying out one of the key elements of her style - a white background. Although I love the way she uses white, I'm not feeling it in my own layouts. So not to worry, you'll be seeing patterned paper backgrounds in here! 

But what the white background does is to show the stamps which I used. Some time ago calligrapher Marika sent me some of her stamps to play with. I'm ashamed to say that they have been on my worktable for some time, me trying to find just the perfect time slot to really have a go at them. I did use some of the stamps in this page for A Flair for Buttons (link), but I promised to myself and her to do a couple of projects just for her. 

I used two stamps here. You can see those stylized fleur-de-lis peeking under the photo? The other one is harder to spot as it creates a more random pattern. But the layers also include this triangle stamp (link)

Are you also wondering the title of the page and what Terhi is doing in the photo? Well, she's of course doing the "mist shaking dance"! The photo was taken during a small get-together among crafty friends and we were talking about mediums and mists and how to shake them and just goofing around. Oh that was fun! 

Thank you for stopping by today! Wishing you a lovey Thursday! 

Materials: Marika KK Shop, Prima Marketing, A Flair for Buttons, Ranger, Teippitarha, American Crafts

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