


Are all the presents already done? Or are you still wondering what to give to someone special? Here's an idea - a hand crafted mini canvas! Just scroll down and find a special treat in this window - an awesome video by Cuchy!

Onko joululahjat jo tehtynä? Vai mietitkö vielä, mitä antaa lahjaksi jollekin tärkeälle? Tästä luukusta löytyy idea - käsintehty minitaulu! Selaa siis hieman alaspäin, sillä tänään luukusta löytyy jotain namia - mahtava video Cuchyltä!

I'm M. Carmen, but you can call me Cuchy. I always loved any kind of arts and crafts. I studied music and piano and now I only "play it" when I clean it. I love chocolates and diet coke. I slept in the street several times to get an opera ticket. I love bright colours, but I usually wear black. I usually tell what I'm thinking which cause me more than one problem. 

I'm a messy, curious, cheerful, daydreamer, demanding, stubborn, thankful and happy girl. You can find more of me over on my blog or my facebook page. Happy Christmas!

"I usually watch Art Attack with my son David, and we both make lots of the projects together. While doing a papier mache crocodile I thought, why do not incorporate the technique to my artjournal or a canvas? 

So this is how I came up with it. The rest is layers and colours and texture, which I love the most. And you? Have you been inspired while watching a TV program? 

I hope you like my "window" and all the other projects along the month. Thank you Riikka for having me in. This Christmas, be creative."



  1. Beautiful, nice decoration for the holidays or for art journal, soooo cool

  2. Fantástico!!! Cuchy is amazing!!!! ;)

  3. very beautiful! I especially liked the one with the heart :)

  4. really inspiring! love the dimensionality of the canvas!! TFS!

  5. Wow Cuchy, that's a great video! Thank you for sharing :-)

  6. Wonderful, love the dimensions in the canvas! Really inspirational video, thank you!

  7. so lovely!

  8. Como siempre, eres genial. Muchisimas gracias por tu trabajo. Y Felicidades.

  9. WOW - this is fabulous! Thanks for the video - it was great to see the process involved. Loved it!



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