


Are the Christmas cards done? If not - here's a great technique by Birgit to make them! And if your cards are already done, how about making a few embellishments to be hung in the window with this technique! They would look stunning on the tree, too!

Onko joulukortit jo tehty? Jos ei - tästä luukusta löytyy Birgitin mahtava tekniikka, joilla kortit syntyvät! Ja jos kortit on jo tehty, tekniikkaa voi käyttää vaikka ikkunakoristeiden tekemiseen. Kalvotagit näyttävät varmasti upealta myös kuusenkoristeina!

Hi! My name is Birgit Koopsen. I'm married to Erik and mom of 3 beautiful kids (Anne (girl) 1994, Lennart (boy)1995, Marlijn (girl) 2003). I live in a little village called Winsum in the north of the Netherlands. 

I started scrapbooking officially when my youngest child was one year old but actually I've been doing it since I was a teenager. I always enjoyed photography and always "pimped" my photo albums, just didn't know there was a name for it and special products. 

I've tried several crafts before I started scrapbooking; oil painting, model drawing, sculpted and much more. But after a while I always got bored with using the same technique over and over again. I was so happy when I found scrapbooking and being able to use whatever technique I wanted in this hobby! Besides that I love how it keeps all the beautiful memories of special events and everyday life alive. Especially for my children! 

My favorite colors are lime green, turquoise, pink and orange in combination with black and white. But basically I just love all colors. I love flowers in all shapes and sizes, border punches, letter stickers, (spray) paints, canvas, patterned paper, transparencies, stamps, bling bling and book paper (and much more).

Twitter: @BirgitKoopsen 
Instagram: birgitkoopsen

"Here's a little video of a fun technique using masks on transparencies."


  1. mä en saa tätä jostain syystä katsottua.
    ("upottaminen poistettu käytöstä pyynnöstä. katso youtubessa." mutta youtubessa se on lukittu niin etten voi sitä katsoa.)

    1. Mulle tuli sama teksti, mutta Youtuben kautta onnistui...

  2. Beautiful card - love the technique, will definitely have to try it.

  3. What a darling card and great technique! Just fabulous! Will have to give this a go!

  4. Wonderful technique, looks so much fun and easy! I really have to try this sometime. Thanks for the great video!


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