

Runotyttö / Little poet

Lumisateista tiistaita! Kaikki käy tässä kuussa OUAS blogin haasteeseen, niin minäpä tein sitten tällaisen runotyttösivun. Journaling, eli se runo, löytyy tuosta kääröstä. Runo kuuluu: "Pieni hiiri hyppäsi, oveen kolkutti. Pieni hiiri taas hyppäsi ja sitten katosi. Pieni elefantti hyppäsi, heikku peikko hei, nyt hän katosi, pienen vei." Runon sanaili kuvassa oleva esikoinen - onneksi sattui olemaan kynä ja paperia silloin vieressä, kun runosuoni pulppusi!

Tausta on tehty "ebru"-tekniikalla. Paperit ovat Lily Beetä. Koristeena on hiukan sitä sun tätä, mm. Polkkaponin nappi.

Snowy Tuesday! It's snowing here, but the temperature is above zero so it's not gonna stay on the ground. Shame, I like snow! 

I't "anything goes" in OUAS challenge this month, so I made this "little poet" page. The journaling, which is the poem, is in that little scroll. It was made by my older daughter, at the age of 3,5 years. The poem has  rhymes and everything! Here's the translation (without rhymes): "A little mouse jumped, knocked on the door. A little mouse jumped again, and then went away. A little elephant jumped, hey hooray, now it disappeared, took the little one, too." I was so happy that I happened to have a pen and some paper when she started telling the poem!

The background is made using this ebru-styled technique. The papers are by LilyBee. Embellishments include for example a button by Polkkaponi. 

Materiaalit / Materials: Bazzill, Lily Bee, Echo Park, American Crafts, Hambly, Polkkaponi, Ranger, Tattered Angels


  1. Ihana muisto tytölle:) Ja kauniit yksityiskohdat! Tykkään:)

  2. Vau, todella ihana runo! Tykkään sivusta, ihana idea tuo rullalla oleva journaling.

  3. What beautiful work! Your pages are truly stunning!!

  4. Ihan mahtava pienen oma runo! Kaunis sivu siitä muistoksi!

  5. Lovely page and great work with the background.

  6. WOW your daughter wrote the poem?? THATS AWESOME! LOVe how you rolled it up in a scroll. Definitely LOVE your artistic take on the sketch. LOVE IT! The background is incredible and looks effortlessly put together. Great work Riikka! Thanks for playing along with us at OUAS once again :)

    1. I wrote it down, but she dictated it to me :)

      Thank you Nadia for your sweet words!

  7. that rolled up journaling is fantastic!!!

  8. Beautiful layout Riikka...I love the paint work on the background and your rolled journalling! Such a cute photo too....super!!!

  9. Wow!!!!! This is amazing in every way! <3

  10. Wow, look at that fabulous background! Such a wonderful, artsy take on the sketch! And a great way to record that beautiful poem of your daughter:)
    Thank you so much for playing along at OUAS!

  11. Gaaawd that is one fabulous background Riikka! love how the colours swirl, pool and drip forming a Milky Way of colours! clever daughter coming up with a poem like that, precious keepsake. Wonderful wonderful page again! xoxo

  12. Just LOVE your background work. The colours are fabulous too! Love this idea of a little scroll!

  13. The artsyness and details in your page are so fabulous..I love the watercolor? background, gorgeous. So glad you joined us at OUAS!!!

  14. Really love the details and beautiful colors in this one, awesome layout Rikka! Thanks as always for playing along with us ta OUAS =)

  15. Upea tausta ja hauska valokuva. Tytär ilmeisesti seuraa taiteellisen äitinsä jälkiä ;)

  16. Adore your funky page Rikka... love the colours and your fantastic background!! Thanks so much for sharing with us at OUAS :)

  17. this is absolutely breathtaking! love the background.Thanks so much for playing along with us at OUAS:-)


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