

Skissedilla # 173 - Autoillaan / Let's drive a car

Ehdinpäs! Skissedillan luonnos #173 innosti heti ilmestyessään kovin, mutta vasta tänään oli aikaa tehdä sivu. Tällainen siitä syntyi. Kuvat leiskaa varten on napattu kesällä puhelimella, kun palasimme iltasella sukujuhlista - tytöllä on jo yöpaita päällä. 

Paperit ovat kaikki eri valmistajien, on Primaa, ColorConspiracyä sekä My Mind's Eyeta. Kuvien sivuun käytin noita varastossa jo hyvin hilloutuneita sana-paperiliittimiä. Yksi syy niiden hilloamiseen on se, että mokoma metalli viiltelee lähes aina sormeen haavoja, kun siihen koskee. Koristeena on käytetty yksi varsin uusi ostos, Scrapfellow'n auto, mutta muut ovat tarroja, joita riittää. Journalingin kirjoittelin korjausnauhalle.

I made it! Skissedilla's sketch #173 inspired me right away, but I had not until today time to do a layout to the challenge. The photos in the layout are taken with a phone this summer, when we were driving back from a birthday party - girls had their pyjamas already on. 

All of the papers are from different manufacturers - Prima Marketing, ColorConspiracy and My Mind's Eye. I clustered some stickers under the paper. They are again part of my "use your stash" campaign. The paper clips go with the same campaign - I had spared them a long time, partly because they tend to cut my finger whenever I touch them. The car veneer is from Scrapfellow. The journaling is written on a piece of correction tape.


  1. Wow...this was really tough and great :) I love the design and your colors. Great details too :)

    Wish you a happy weekend ! :)

    1. Thank you Tone! Have a great weekend, too!

  2. What a great layout!
    Love your misting and splatting :)
    Thank you for joining skissedilla this week.

  3. Wow! Love what you did for this challenge! Looks fabulous, absolutely fabulous! Yeah!

  4. Superläckert. Gillar fotona och alla detaljer till. Få se om jag lyckas få till något till denna skiss...

    1. Tack Maja! Lite tid ännu at delta! Go for it!

  5. So cool. Love your texture and interpretation of the sketch.

  6. Ooooh can remember late evening childhood drives just like the one in your page. Us kids in pyjamas from start and dad carrying us into bed once at home. Neat to see your man in there too. Great bold colours and cool mini doodling. Really like your take on the sketch! xoxo

    1. I remember them too! Well, obviously not the SAME drives, but same case here. My daddy carried me to bed and if I happened to woke up, I pretended to sleep because I just loved he carrying me and not going myself.


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