

Me / Minä

Hi there and welcome to my blog! 

My name is Riikka Kovasin.  I live in Helsinki, the capital of Finland with my husband and our two daughters. They are a constant source of inspiration and give topics for pages. I also love to scrapbook the everyday and the little things.

I found the wonderful world of patterned papers in autumn 2009, when my older daughter was 6 months old. From layering papers my style has involved to more "mixed media" way so I usually use stamping, acrylic paints and mists in my layouts. I'm happiest when I can combine my love for the beautiful products with the possiblility to get messy with different paint media. I also love to experiment with different, non-scrapbooking related products.

I have been fortunate enough to get chosen to different design teams and get published. You can find my current and past design teams as well as my publications in my resume. I also love to make videos and tutorials and I enjoy tremendously to teach workshops. 

Please, feel free to contact me rkovasin(a)! I would love to hear from you!


  1. Replies
    1. Kiitokset :) Vähän jotain erilaista välillä!

  2. Näyttää hyvältä!

  3. Luulin ensiksi tulleeni väärään paikkaan. :D Kivalta näyttää! :)

    1. Heh :D Tuli joo aika erilainen, eten yhtään ihmettele, jos tuli olo, että nyt meni pieleen :D


  4. Hauskan erilainen blogin ulkoasu, tykkään!

  5. Jännittävää! :-) Kiva uusi ilme.


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